Friday, September 10, 2010

Eliot Bernstein On Iviewit Stolen Technologies.. Interview Transcript..

"In fact, you and I spoke the other day about Expose Corrupt Court’s Frank Brady aka McKeown’s radio interview the other day on the public office corruption exposed in New York.

In that interview, McKeown details many of the victims’ stories he is investigating and he claimed that interference with family and friends of the victims was a central theme to these lawyers deviance, in all of these cases they destabilize the victim from friends and family through some shady practices revealed recently in the press.

The courts and ethics departments illegally spy on targeted individuals and use that information to cause all kinds of damages to relations with businesses, family and friends, all part of disabling any attack against them by the victims of their crimes or anyone thinking of helping them. You would think that this cannot be true but…

Dick, if you give me a second here, I will pull up an article that will give you some perspective into how this invasion and destruction of your privacy works.

The article from Expose Corrupt Court involves the Heads of the New York Supreme Court First Department where Christine Anderson worked, using ILLEGAL satellite intercepts, in Violation of a host of Title 18 crimes and invasions of privacy.

Here we have a New York Supreme Court now illegally intercepting confidential American Citizens’ communications, on their enemies, not Foreign Terrorists but US Citizens and businesspeople they are robbing.

They use the information to gain access to Americans protected and private information and sabotage them. Let me QUOTE the Article directly because again, you cannot make this stuff up Dick, it says,

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New York Ethics Scandal Tied to International Espionage Scheme - Tammany Hall II Ethics Scandal Reaching New Heights

Reports surfaced in New York and around Washington, D.C. last week detailing a massive communications satellite espionage scheme involving major multi-national corporations and the interception of top-secret satellite signals.

The evidence in the corporate eavesdropping cover-up “is frightening,” according to an informed source who has reviewed the volumes of documentation. The espionage scheme, he says, is directly tied to the growing state bar ethics scandal at the Appellate Division First Department, Departmental Disciplinary Committee (DDC) in Manhattan.

Rumors had been Circulating Linking the New York Bar Scandal to International Corporate Espionage Ops Using Satellites

The highflying spy operation involves private and public companies, mainly in the U.S. and Europe, that operate apart- but not too far- from national intelligence services.

Confidential sources have learned that the original source of much of the secret information comes from satellite intercepts sold by telecom companies under contract to government spy agencies.

Although it’s rarely addressed in any official proceedings, basically all private telephone conversations and email transmissions in the U.S., and essentially worldwide, are routinely intercepted by one government authority or another. Much of the work is done by independent telecom companies that transmit the signals on to giant computers that translate the text in real time.

This instant translation capability put an end to many embarrassing backlogs, as in the case of the first World Trade Center bombing, where the FBI had received an intercept, but hadn’t translated the key incriminating conversation before that 1993 event.

Once translated, the reviewing super computers search for key words to flag suspect conversations and transmissions. Proper names of people, buildings, addresses, codes, arms, explosives and the like will trip a full-scale investigation of a transcript.

Apart from the official surveillance of signal intelligence (or “sigint” in the spy trade), what confidential sources have discovered is that there is lots of freelance spying going on, where top-secret corporate information is being offered for sale to the highest bidder. The payments are allegedly made for a tip of such secrets as planned corporate acquisitions, mergers, or some very positive or negative performance reports.

Advance knowledge of corporate information, and the corresponding improper company stock activity, has long been the focus of many insider trading investigations but has not, until now, directly involved New York City’s attorney ethics committee.

One source says it’s been the ‘perfect crime.’ "The brains behind this organized scheme have thwarted attorney ethics investigations in New York, federal criminal inquiries and various civil actions around the country by simply citing ‘national security,’” says the source.

Enter the DDC, again Since this secret corporate information is sent across public telecom networks that are constantly subject to interception, the black market in top-secret corporate intel continues to grow, and it generally evades detection.

Last week, however, investigators tripped across evidence of a law firm protecting a client that had been on the selling side of corporate espionage. When complaints were filed with the New York Attorney Disciplinary Committee against the firm for a series of ethical violations, those grievances apparently disappeared into one of the now-well-known DDC black holes.

Another trusted source from outside New York has indicated that federal court filings will soon provide detailed evidence showing how the dysfunctional DDC machinery covered-up actions by certain New York attorneys involved in the corporate spying activities.
Here you can see Dick that these law firms and the state bar associations are intercepting data illegally to use against victims through invasion of privacy.

The illegally gained information allows the RICO Criminal Enterprise to find out whom their victims are talking to and what they are talking about, what information they have against them and how to sabotage them and anyone helping them economically and emotionally.

You will see from Anderson’s testimony how they then extort people and cause fear and terror in their lives and all those that attempt to expose them, Whistleblowers especially need be stopped for obvious reasons.

Dick, these tactics take a toll on the victims, their families, their friends, their employers, their companies and victimize their lives further.

When those that are supposed to be protecting you, are instead the ones further violating your rights, well utter helplessness sets in, especially when you cannot believe what is happening to you and it is hard to relate to others that the courts and lawyers are violating your rights without sounding a bit nuts.

Now, not only are the victims victimized by their attorneys but also now by the Criminals fingered by Anderson who are running the state bars, disciplinary departments, the state and federal courts and prosecutorial offices.

Yet, while you may spend years tied up in this criminal enterprise trying to defend your rights, as many of the related cases have been fighting even longer than myself and I am at a decade.

After the Anderson allegations these government agencies look more like strip bars than state bars replete with strippers in the ethics department example as we discussed.

With Spitzer busted a whorehouse at the Attorney General’s office uncovered as well and notice unlike other citizens, the privileged Spitzer evades a single day in court or jail like any other citizen caught violating the interstate transportation of hookers across state lines in violation of the Federal Mann Act would. This is just how bought the system for the criminals has become, justice a complete farce.

The bars, as we have seen in my case, allow the accused attorneys to hold public offices within the state bars, even handling complaints against themselves while they are officers and they use state bar stationary to write exoneration letters and attack the victim.

For example, Steven Krane while an officer of the Dept Anderson worked at, handled my complaints against his firm Proskauer and wrote I was a failed dot com looking for someone to blame as I said earlier and even denied that Proskauer knew anything of my patents, claiming to state officials that Rubenstein knew nothing and was being harassed too. All while he was an Officer of the Disciplinary Committee.

Thus, you see, a smear campaign is launched against the victim by those violating their public offices, the accused acting in concealed conflicts as in my case, exonerating themselves on official state letterhead while thrashing the victim. Even when busted in conflict and violation of public office, ordered for investigation, they are able to evade prosecution and not even have to respond.

The victims feel hopeless, often not seeing the conflicts blocking their due process, as the conflicts, like Krane’s and former Chief Judge Judith Kaye’s in my case are obviously concealed, the victim usually never knowing.

This abuse, despite the veracity of the victims’ claims makes it further impossible for the victim to get court or police help, when these other agencies have exonerated the criminals while acting in conflict and they work together to suppress complaints against each other.

Further, since the disciplinary departments are whitewashing attorney complaints for the prosecutors, when the victim turns to them, further abuse takes place and now you can see how the victimization is completed, Anderson showing how it flows together, wholly denying due process to the victims at every turn through a complex Obstruction of Justice.

Now, deprived of basic legal rights, the victims turn inward and become detached, paranoid and untrusting of the system of jurisprudence, the system as a whole and it wears them down.

I am sure it has led to many suicides, in fact, one of the legally related cases to Anderson is Frank Brady aka McKeown who claims his brother committed suicide over a case involving stolen Red Cross Victims funds for the 9/11 victims, again attorneys committing crimes.

I mean really, stealing money from the 9/11 victims, from concentration camp survivors, have they no shame?

The victims I have met since Anderson blew the whistle, including those directly legally related by Judge Scheindlin to my case, are all good honest hard working Americans from all walks of life.

All similarly deprived of their rights and properties and sent into an infinite loop of injustice by criminals again disguised as trusted lawyers, prosecutors and judicial officials handling their complaints and lawsuits and denying them due process in a fair and impartial court of law.

OK so back to Christine Anderson and her heroic Whistleblowing efforts, once Anderson’s lawsuit was filed Dick, Brady/McKeown enticed several people to file lawsuits with federal judge Shira Scheindlin seeking to be legally related to the Anderson lawsuit.

Brady had an intimate knowledge of the New York Courts and as I mentioned he was prior employed by the First Department where Cahill, Anderson and Corrado worked. Brady also had insiders at the US District Court Southern District of New York where we filed.

I filed a Federal RICO and Antitrust lawsuit and was one of several suits that Scheindlin factually and legally related to the Anderson case, Scheindlin then booked my lawsuit as a RICO Lawsuit.

I filed a Federal RICO and Antitrust lawsuit and was one of several suits that Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin legally related to the Anderson case, it is for 12 counts at 1 trillion per count. Dick, additionally, many others who have cases of injustice that Scheindlin has legally related to Anderson are right out of movies.

Start with me, the inventor with attorneys ripping off inventions they deem the QUOTE Holy Grail and then pulling a coup on the government to hold off prosecution.

I will take a moment to outline some of these cases based on information and belief from learning of their accounts.

Another victim we already discussed is holocaust survivor, Gizella Weisshaus who won the largest settlement for Holocaust Survivors against Nazi funded Swiss banks, only then to be ripped off by her Attorneys, imagine how low these lawyers, including Jewish attorneys, found ripping off Auschwitz survivors have morally digressed.

Then, another lawsuit involves a woman, Luisa Esposito, sexually molested by her Attorney Allan Isaacs and extorted for oral felacio to compensate his swine filled face in addition to his already piggish legal feels.

Esposito, then caught Isaac on tape, having a private investigator wire her up and whereby Isaac while being taped attempted to get oral sex for fees. Then Isaac, boasting his bestiality to Esposito while sexually assaulting her, astonishingly claimed he could fix major cases in New York, including a major one involving the Phen Phen lawsuit.

Again we see how the protected lawyers and law firms control the New York Supreme Court and how easily cases are fixed by those “favored lawyers and law firms” with the dirty judges, affecting huge lawsuits and damaging thousands of plaintiffs in those matters on the other side of the fix, Anderson again shows the underbelly of how this works. Isaac claimed to Esposito in his perverse lust that he had contacts with dirty judges who could fix anything in New York.

Another case involves Pamela Carvel, daughter to ice cream magnet Tom Carvel, whose father’s estate she claims was stolen by her attorneys, an estate worth hundreds of millions. This has led to requests to exhume Carvel’s body after years at rest, to investigate if there was foul play involved in his death by his trusted legal advisors.

There are victims in boatloads in New York who have had their children taken away to make money off the kids, as was recently exposed in neighboring Philly where the judicial folks have conflicting interests in the facilities housing children.

Parents whose children have been taken, detained and drugged with convictions from judges who own an equity interest in the prisons. For profit prison factories that these sick judges have ownership interest and profit directly from filled cells, again only criminals dressed up as judges would conceive of such.

There are good lawyers trying to get justice who have run into the fix unknowingly and have tried to defend their clients against the mob legal system only to have been targeted and disbarred, some without a single complaint against them by a client.

Finally, there is a concert pianist, Suzanne McCormick, again with claims of foul play of estates and trusts by attorneys. I would like to highlight Suzanne’s estate case, since this seems to be a big racket for the criminal enterprise dating back years and I will give your viewers some basic information I have gained about the case, so that they may take safer routes than trusting professionals as trustees….

Dick I want to read just some headlines of how perverse these corruptions have become. STOP READ KUSE HEADLINES.

From an October 2009 article, “Battle between states, feds brewing over unclaimed bonds,” where in one state the numbers are in the billions from old unclaimed WWII bonds and this could be a massive liability throughout the country and again lawyers are knee deep in the trouble arising.

From the Daily Freeman “Family swindled elderly of $1M, prosecutors say” Let me quote some pieces from this horrendous story

From the NY Post, “House ‘Robbers’ Judge’s brother was swindler in homes sales: DA
From the Daily News “5-15 for att’y who preyed on disabled”

All of these stories relate to victims of attorneys and judges acting through the courts in criminal conspiracy, all the victims denied due process and procedure, cases whitewashed, documents destroyed and all legally abused by the legal system.

This while the very people supposed to be protecting them have stolen their properties, there is even a DuPont whose estate is involved in these matters.

This shows that the criminal enterprise is truly after large estates, large real estate properties, large intellectual properties and large personal properties.

I refer to all of these victims and the heroic Whistleblowers as a group of angels, angels fighting a corrupt justice system at a grassroots level every day, waking the public up at great personal sacrifice.

These are Patriotic Americans that have been wronged and did not just walk away or collapse from the schemes against them but hang in there fighting with every resource they have against a failed justice system that is supposed to be there for us and protecting us. These are all heroes, all soldiers in a front line battle to protect their Constitutional rights and yours, for sooner or later, if the problem remains it will certainly effect an ever growing population.

There is another class of heroes Dick that deserve mention here, who have already put their lives on the line for me and for no apparent reason other than their true Patriotism, which has affected their lives ever since.

For example Dick, one of our best computer technicians, Anthony Frenden who was instrumental in furthering the inventions to mainstream users, was one of the people who fingered Utley and crew trying to bribe employees to steal proprietary information and equipment and made his statements in a written statement for submission to investigators, a heroic undirected selfless act.

There was David Colter of Warner Bros., Doug Chey head of Sony Digital and many others at Warner Bros. who told the truth of what was going on and at that moment, not only did our friendship end but I have not spoken to most of these people since, as everything was shut down on them after their exposures. Again, this is how they interfere and destroy anyone attempting to aid their victims.

There is Catherine O’Hagan Wolfe of the New York Supreme Court First Department who worked in the same court as Anderson who busted Krane and Kaye and Cahill and Rubenstein and Proskauer and directed me to file the Motion that led to orders for Investigation by the First Department of the whole rotten gang.

Her life changed almost overnight, g-d knows if she suffered what Anderson went through at the hands of the likes of Cahill and Cohen. Or if Judith Kaye and her Pork Sour Smelly Rose deceased husband Stephen Kaye put the pressure on her directly but overnight she was moved from Clerk of the State Supreme Court to Clerk of what has been called the dirtiest court in the land, the Federal New York Second Circuit or more aptly Circus.

I have already issued a Citizen’s arrest for the Judges and Clerks of the Circus Court and others, including O’Hagan Wolfe, Defendant and Hero in my story, inextricably tied to Iviewit and Patentgate, yet once a hero, always a hero, since your life can change from that moment of your heroism with people threatening you and your family.

Threats from the top, nowhere to turn and herein you have the answer why many people do not come forward. As Anderson shows, they fire you after physically assaulting you, they intercept your calls, they post your private medical records on line to violate you as the Attorney General did to Anderson and note the Attorney General is representing against a state whistleblower, get it Dick, this makes being a hero almost impossible but again these appear angels.

There are my many close friends and Iviewit employees who by even being associated with this have put their lives in danger. Many lost their jobs overnight when Iviewit was shut down overnight, their stocks issued wholly in question with no answer from our former attorneys to the hundreds of questions by shareholders and fearful to help me for fear of retribution against their families.

I have ever asked for their help, since I do not want to get anyone hurt but there are angels Dick who fear no evil. Since the plan involved killing inventors, other inventors even requested having their names removed from the patents in fear and again you can see the fear created in these people, especially when they see me having a car bomb here in good ole USA with no investigation.

These Racketeering activities are what terrorize people from wanting to come forward or help victims, economic catastrophe, personal and family risks, this is one must endure to come forward.

For me personally, it is even hard to get a new job and bring this whole mess into someone’s life, car bombing’s and federal investigations on job applications leave you highly unemployable and you can see it can destroy lives in so many insipid ways.

There is hero Frank Brady aka Kevin McKeown, the investigative blogger and possible government agent, who put this whole thing into the public domain, into the federal courts, into the highest levels of New York politics and before the New York Senate Judiciary Committee. Brady has gone to Washington, appealed to equally powerful House and Senate Judiciary Committees at the Federal Level, and started grass roots efforts for victims of the system.

Brady, who brought a whistleblower to Federal Court to tell her story and reveal a mass Criminal Enterprise inside government at huge personal risk to both he and Anderson and all the other brave New Yorkers taking on the corruption head on from the inside out.

Frank is a superhero of sorts, he should be the next Governor or New York Attorney General or Department of Justice Attorney General, as integrity like his is near impossible to find these days.

These true American Patriots need no lapel pins. Heroes who believe in our country and are ready to die for country and like all Patriotic Americans feel duty bound to protect freedom for all when their government fails.

At some point they become Heroes doing this to protect other innocent people from becoming victims, it is not about winning their rights back at some point, it is about tearing down the wall of corruption to protect others.

These true Patriotic Heroes have risked it all to wake you up to what is going on in America by Domestic Terrorists, putting their lives and everything in them on lines, so listen up and demand change.

Their lives have been affected from the moment the come in contact with these “favored lawyers and law firms” and Anderson and Corrado show from insider perspectives how horrifying the consequences are.

There is a new hero, Crystal Cox, an Investigative Blogger, imagine that, reporter who actually investigates versus lip syncs, who angelically fell from the sky to write about and bring light to all of these victims stories.

Exposure with a breath of real investigative journalism based on the facts, illustrating to how the Criminal Enterprise Operates and how broad the range of victims are piling up. In a world of news propaganda script read by bobble heads, a rebel yell to alert the People, a sounding of the trumpets of the angels is necessary to raise awareness.

I thought all the rebels had been doped up since kindergarten to keep them tame in class and suppress any rebel genes.

It would be good if the People who hear this message, this passive call to arms, pass this story and the other victims stories to as many people as they know.

May the stories spread and touch as many people lives as use my inventions in their lives daily and hopefully we can enlighten others who are suffering similar fates without knowledge of how they are being scammed and prevent others from getting scammed in the first place.

There are all those People who have believed in Iviewit and supported Iviewit throughout all this, who with every bit of help put themselves at further risk but cared not, these are the Patriotic Americans who are not afraid to face the tyranny in exposing truth.

This is a growing force, especially with the number of victims piling up monthly is higher than any time period in my life. As I said before, just look at the victims of the financial collapse and you can see unregulated regulators coupled with corrupt attorneys and judges have ruined MILLIONS of US Citizen’s lives, all from the actions or inactions they allowed with intent, again stuffing their swine filled faces on others sufferings.

This Coup now perhaps the greatest threat to law and our nation, the greatest enemy of our modern history, an enemy who has disabled the citizens rights and is now robbing them blind of years of hard work and all their finances, snickering behind their backs.

Again, 10 years ago, at the dawning of the Coups mass infiltration of government with the stolen election of Bush and the planting of some really scary unqualified people throughout our system, the General Public had a hard time digesting this could really be happening in America. 10 years later and almost every person worldwide now believes our government responsible for war and economic crimes committed by our leaders that were personally to benefit their greed-lined pockets. Over 50% of New Yorkers now believe the official 9.11 account is FALSE and the number is far higher throughout the world.

It is just hard to imagine how our children have sold out America, sold out the middle class, sold out our military heroes who fought and died for our Freedoms.

These elitist Americans have soiled the great name of our Nation, debasing us to a nation of torture and hate and hate of our neighbors and friends, all for a buck, makes me sick.

How any of these new billionaires and multimillionaires really earned their fortunes other than through market rigging and products like derivatives of this elitist 2 percent that control most of the money since Bush redistributed wealth in unprecedented and illegal ways to these crooks.

Rich by gaming the system and stealing the values of peoples’ homes, stealing their pensions, retirement accounts, stocks and jobs. All the while paying themselves billions in bonuses from the companies they are bankrupting, off the people who then lose their jobs and lives savings.

These Ivy League idiots bonus themselves while People are being evicted and thrown out of their homes as a direct result of their carefully planned economic terrorism, right in their victims faces.

I cannot understand how they walk about with their heads held high amongst the People, proud of their role in our history, a role of Treason and Sedition, proud of the way they have earned their way in America, crime. I believe since they have now been caught in most these crimes, history in time will tell the true story, staining these Traitors for what they are.

I always say a Presidential legacy is great if the President escapes office without his scandals unfolding, just like Reagan with Iran Contra which forced him to Altzheimers to evade prosecution for Iran Contra. Bush and Obama well they are caught in crimes against the nation while in office and now it is a matter of time to unravel their Coup and then try and fry them.

As always Dick, frying pans free @ , Brady, after Anderson filed suit, then claimed that there were going to be New York Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings in New York spearheaded by Committee Chair Senator John Sampson and lo and behold Dick, the Committee has now begun hearings.

The Committee is impaneling a Task Force and has allowed Anderson and many of the victims to testify before the Committee. Things are beginning to unravel fast on these Coupsters, the cat is out of the bag and the finger pointing is starting and goes all the way to the top.

Just in Anderson’s claims alone, US Attorneys, New York Supreme Court Officials, District Attorneys, Favored Unknown Lawyers and Law Firms all publically exposed.

The Coupsters exposed have had criminal complaints filed against them by me and others and since Anderson has revealed all of this to the highest authorities in the nation I am certain they are investigating or as I mentioned, such failure would now make them criminal accomplices through further Obstruction.

I wonder Dick if Cuomo has notified his base of supporters for his gubernatorial candidacy of his offices involvement in the Anderson affairs at this point in his run for Governor.

Anderson’s claims have tentacles you can hardly imagine Dick and may prove to be the tip of one of the most insipid crimes ever committed in our nation’s history, involving many Public Officials in the highest offices of Justice and government and in New York may be the largest government corruption case in history.

Dick, while I was in New York at the Anderson hearings, I was also invited to speak at a Coast Guard event at the Homeland Security Building by a group of Dedicated and Decorated Military Officers dedicated to protecting our democracy.

The gentleman, another hero, a military Star who introduced me to this truly Patriotic Group claimed he was dedicated to protecting our nation from DOMESTIC TERRORISM and claimed that he took oath to protect our country from not only foreign terrorist but domestic terrorists.

He claimed he was more afraid of domestic terrorists than foreign terrorists and by domestic terrorists he meant those dressed as Politicians, Judges, Lawyers, Regulators, etc. referring to them as the real domestic threat to our great nation.

With Brady’s assistance, I filed my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST TRILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT against Proskauer, Foley, the New York and Florida Supreme Courts, hosts of judges, public officials and hosts of others and Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin marked my Federal RICO lawsuit LEGALLY RELATED to Anderson.

A RICO is Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act lawsuit, used for organized crime rings operating in legal conspiracy to commit crimes across an array of Title 18 and other felony statutes.

I was not planning on filing lawsuits in New York after learning of the corruption and was preparing for a filing elsewhere but Brady convinced me that I should support the heroic Whistleblowing efforts of Anderson, right in the Lion’s Den and I agreed and followed.

Other Defendants in my lawsuit include former pimp Elliot Spitzer, Andrew Cuomo, the New York Attorney General’s offices, The Florida Bar, now sitting Florida Supreme Court Judge Jorge Labarga ( who was promoted to the Florida Court after his service to the criminal enterprise in the Bush v. Gore election and his efforts in derailing the Iviewit matters ), the Virginia Supreme Court, the Virginia Bar, thousands of lawyers and companies involved in the theft and infringement of my intellectual properties.

Hopefully, all of these State and Federal Defendants have been properly reporting these massive liabilities to state and federal auditors for proper reporting of the liabilities.

Reporting the liabilities of the lawsuit and patent infringement claims encumbered to their insurance carriers, bondholders and others with liability for their actions. To date all of them have hidden the liabilities from the states and the public.

Dick, I am a perfect example of a typical victim of this legal abuse. I was a college graduate with a BS in Psychology and minor in Astronomy.

I worked from high school through college every day and I paid off my student loans having put myself through school, despite coming from a wealthy family, which I had always taken very little from preferring to make my life on my own.

I operated a business from my college dorm and moved it to California with my college friends where we sold insurance to mostly millionaires and billionaires out of our garage for 10 years.

I was well off, had earned everything I had in life and was proud to be a part of America and the American dream. I then invented technologies that changed the world and again I thought I had made it in America by playing by the rules and getting ahead through honest and hard work.

I put together Iviewit, hired what appeared top law firms, I had driven the value of the company up to about a quarter of a billion dollars with the Wachovia Private Placement and was on the way to an Internet IPO in the billions. The American dream earned the hard way, hard work, not the politician or ROT way of hardly workin’.

I had and have not done anything wrong to these people, as I have not stolen their intellectual properties or violated any laws against them and their families.

I have played by their rules in their courts and they have violated every one of them to deny me due process and procedure. I am not a terrorist, so all of these violations of my rights, including invading my privacy to use against me are just violations of an honest hard working American.

Therefore, it could happen to you or your family next, when they want your properties and again, in light of the mortgage and banking fraud ongoing, millions of Americans are realizing they too are being screwed by these same schemes.

Again, these are honest hard working middle class Americans, not some shoddy morally corrupt people that are being violated who did anything to deserve what has happened to them.

Again, imagine that based on Anderson’s Whistleblowing alone, as the information surfaces to the public, thousands of court cases and thousands of investigations in New York will have to be Re-examined to see if corruption was the cause of the outcome.

There may already be millions upon millions of victims who did not even know the fix was in on their cases, or knew but did not have the means or evidence to prove it at the time and now all that changes with Anderson, all these cases may be appealable due to corruption.

First off, in my case, from a victim viewpoint, when these powerful and now protected law firms as Anderson describes them were caught committing Fraud on US Government agencies you can see that this was an explosive moment in history where they had to stop me at all costs.

As explosive a moment, as that of my inventions, this criminal historical moment changed my world henceforth but also transformed the world as we know it.

Your viewers really cannot understand U.S. history and how and why the country traversed to the lows we are now suffering, without first knowing the Iviewit Patentgate story and who was involved and how the cover-up crimes were effectuated, including understanding how the Coup took control of the government.

One must understand how the Fox got in the henhouse in the first place, to understand that the Fox definitely is in the henhouse and victims are piling up daily to their crimes since that moment back in 1999-2000. That moment in criminal history then snowballed starting with Brian Utley caught with the illegal patents in his possession, which included the patent applications filed fraudulently by Foley & Lardner conspiring with Proskauer.

From that moment forward, evil forces began to collide and collude together, they formed a plot to go for the whole enchilada, a full on coup d’état on all three branches of government, if they failed, they were on their way to prison perhaps for life, loss of all assets, so what did they have to lose. "

Eliot Bernstein
Iviewit Founder

1 comment:

  1. According to Kevin McKeown's testimony in court, he has been been either unemployed, starting a business/newspaper, or self employed scanning documents and serving process since about 2000. In his latest bankruptcy, he claimed no income for several years and produced IRS transcripts showing no income for most of the 10 years before 2012. McKeown testified to the bankruptcy court that he believes he has filed taxes in all the years he made enough to file, and his IRS transcripts show that no return was filed (except by the IRS on his behalf) from 2002-2011.
