Monday, February 1, 2010

Michael Grebe was head of Foley and Lardner when they became involved acting counsel for the Iviewit intellectual property filings.

Online Connections found on Michael Grebe, Foley Lardner
and the Iviewit Technologies Stolen Patent Case.

""If Patentgate pans out, as described at the website, Michael Grebe would stand to lose any of his wealth accumulated at Foley and Lardner since 1998 and perhaps everything in a sucessful RICO and could become entangled in the criminal allegations currently under investigation by the FBI, the USPTO, the USPTO OED and international investigations that are ongoing.

Key intellectual properties of Iviewit handled by Foley and Lardner are under investigation as to how the wrong inventors, owners and assignees were falsified to the USPTO, violations of federal laws regarding on false oath submitted to the USPTO on IP applications. The Commissioner of Patents has suspended Iviewit IP pending investigations.

Similar allegations are under investigation in Europe through the EPI and through the European Patent Office and through the Patent Cooperation Treaty, these false and fraudulent applications could trigger an international investigation by over twenty countries were the papers were tendered.

Michael Grebe, remained the Chairman of RNC until 2001 and resigned after the potentially fraudulent election of George W. Bush and subsequent illegal appointment of a Supreme Court US President by a narrow 5-4 vote.

Michael Grebe at the time is cited as the largest force behind getting Bush appointed.

Patentgate is founded on the assumption that top down control of the government was siezed by the law firms involved in the thefts of the Iviewit patents, including Foley and Lardner, to prevent due process and procedure after they were caught with evidence and witnesses against their firms.

Recently the stakes went skyrocketing on the Iviewit matters with the attempted murder via a massive car bombing of inventor Eliot Bernstein in Boynton Beach Florida, a blast so powerful it blew up three cars alongside it.

Images at the website The Iviewit matters have recently come before the House Judiciary Committee after being forwarded by John Dingell of the House Energy and Commerce Committee for investigation."

Patentgate is founded on the assumption that top down control of the government was siezed by the law firms involved in the thefts of the Iviewit patents, including Foley and Lardner, to prevent due process and procedure after they were caught with evidence and witnesses against their firms.

Recently the stakes went skyrocketing on the Iviewit matters with the attempted murder via a massive car bombing of inventor Eliot Bernstein in Boynton Beach Florida, a blast so powerful it blew up three cars alongside it. Images at the website

Source of this Post.

Crystal L. Cox - Blogger

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